Marith Miller Rubin

MA, LPC (she, her)


Marith’s Specializations

  • Guiding clients to find safety within their bodies

  • Guiding clients in accepting and healing their wounded parts

  • Guiding clients to understand their relational patterns and to deepen their relationships

  • Guiding clients to soothe and reparent their inner child

 Private Pay Rate: $150 + Medicaid Provider



Marith is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Colorado. Marith takes a non-pathologizing, strengths based approach inspired by Internal Family Systems and attachment theory, genuinely believing that all parts of you are welcome. Marith believes that humans are born whole and are fundamentally worthy. Throughout our lives, we often discard parts of ourselves that we or others have deemed to be unworthy. This is often done to feel acceptance, love, and validation from others. However, it also teaches us that we cannot be our core whole self, and be loved at the same time. Marith works alongside the client to uncover those discarded and scared parts, guiding them towards a new sense of safety and belonging. For our attachment wounds and trauma to heal, it needs a relational home. This is the essence in how Marith shows up in session, attuning to your needs and the direct experiences of the therapeutic relationship as an anchor for your unfolding and healing.  

Marith additionally is trained in Somatic Experiencing. She believes that much of healing happens through the body, and that so much in the world works to disconnect us from our body’s wisdom. Whether it’s a result of trauma, attachment wounds, diet culture, anxiety, most of us have developed some amount of bodily disconnection and distrust. This distrust will prevent us from being able to tap into our intuitive and whole selves. Marith takes care to support clients in discovering that their bodies are not the problem, assisting them to uncover thwarted survival energy bound in their bodies that has caused distrust. Marith’s ultimate goal is to guide clients toward reclaiming their innate right to experience their body as their home. Marith is trained within Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which is used in tandem to guide clients toward self-regulation so that deeper healing can take place.

Prior to her work with Brave Embodiment Counseling, Marith worked in a variety of different settings. This includes working with individuals who have experienced acute trauma in intensive outpatient settings, working with college students to aid in self-discovery and self-compassion, working with clients who have experienced systematic trauma through the criminal justice system, and working with individuals who have experienced abuse. Marith is comfortable working with a variety of concerns, most frequently focusing on family-of-origin trauma, attachment and relational concerns, co-dependency, individuals who identify as highly sensitive people (HSP), anxiety/depression, and life transitions. Her holistic approach to healing includes honoring the client’s racial, gender, sexual, and spiritual identities.

When Marith is not working, her strongest avenue of connection with herself is to be within nature. She will often hike, backpack, or find a park to read in to keep her feeling grounded and connected. With parents as geologists, Marith grew up traveling frequently around the world, which led to a strong love of travel and the discovery of new places. Marith additionally has a passion for writing, making pottery, and photography. It was through her own journey of self-discovery and acceptance that she was drawn to the role of being a therapist and healer.