10 Mindful Summer Living Tips + 3 Summer Solstice Rituals

Hello Brave Community! 

Summer is here and it tends to bring with it a mix of different energies.

Summer is often associated with growth and abundance. With the long days and plentiful sunlight, it’s a time for expansion and embracing the fullness of life. Spiritually, summer symbolizes clarity, enlightenment and the illumination of the soul. 

The warmer weather and longer days typically lead to more outdoor activities and socializing, which can promote a sense of vitality and engagement with life. Exposure to natural sunlight can increase serotonin production which elevates mood and can reduce feelings of depression. Summer vacations and breaks from routine provide opportunities for rest, relaxation and play. 

While all these things can be true, at the same time many of us have parts of ourselves that feel nostalgic when summer arrives. The smell of fresh cut grass and the sound of thunder storms rolling through skies fill our minds and bodies with memories from when we were younger and had a full on summer break away from the demands of school. 

As adults, it can be emotionally confusing and frustrating to have desires to play, rest and relax yet still be committed to work in order to pay our bills and afford our lifestyles. Internally, summer can feel like a tug-of-war between responsibility and play. 

To try and resolve this inner tug-of-war many of us find ourselves aiming to do it all. We run ourselves ragged working all week trying to get ahead because we are going out of town most weekends or scheduling multiple trips that require us to take time away from work, not to mention, attending all the social gatherings…summer can also be a time of extreme busy-ness instead feeling playful, relaxing and restful. 

Are you tired of living your summers in your head and feeling overly busy?

Are you ready to actually feel present and absorb the fun and relaxation of your summer? 

Check out the next section for some mindful summer living tips!

Mindful Summer Living Tips

These summer living tips are rooted in intentionality and mindfulness which experience and research shows lead to increased presence, peace and joy. Give them a try and let us know how it goes! 

Meditate - Incorporate daily meditation into your routine - even just a few minutes can have a powerful effect! Guided meditation apps like Headspace, Calm or Insight Timer can be helpful. 

Set Boundaries - Learn your body’s signals for “yes” and “no”. When you have clarity about these signals in your body you will say “yes” when it’s truly a “yes” and “no” when you can’t or don’t want to. Having boundaries helps you avoid overextending yourself which leads to stress and feeling mentally and physically unwell. 

Prioritize Self-Care - Make self-care non-negotiable even when traveling or socializing. Ensure you have time for activities that nourish you like sleep, meditation, hydration, nutritious meals, your embodiment practice/movement and alone time. 

Pack Smart - When traveling, pack items that help you maintain your routine like a yoga mat, nutritious snacks, a journal, a laptop to stay consistent with therapy sessions, as well as familiar items that can provide comfort and continuity. 

Pre-Trip Prep & Travel Mindfully - Prepare for trips in advance to reduce last-minute stress. Create reusable lists, pack early and plan your itinerary to include down time. If possible use your travel time for sleep/rest, meditation, reading/listening to audiobooks/podcasts or listening to enjoyable or calming music. 

Loving-Reminders - Take 5-10 minutes to set up recurring alarms on your phone to help you keep track of your routine activities like meal times, hydration, meditations and breaks. 

Mindful Scheduling - Prioritize your commitments and BE SURE to schedule downtime. Use a planner or electronic calendar to allocate time for work, social activities and self-care, to ensure you have balanced and manageable days. 

Time in Nature & In or Near Water - Prioritize spending time in nature to recharge and in particular time in or near water as it has a calming effect on the human nervous system.

Practice Presence - Practice being in the moment without thinking about what’s coming next. Mindfulness can help you savor your experience, reduce overstimulation that can happen when you are trying to track too many things and reduce stress. 

Therapy - Do your best to stay consistent with weekly, bi-weekly or monthly therapy sessions over your summer.  With how busy things can get, it can be tempting to cancel sessions, but therapy is a great way to stay connected to yourself and hold space for your inner world during a time where so much of your focus is going outward. 

Summer Solstice Rituals

The summer solstice takes place on June 20th this year. The summer solstice is a time celebrated by many cultures for its spiritual significance and psychological symbolism of light, growth and life. It represents a peak of solar energy, making it a powerful time for connection, personal reflection and setting intentions.

If you’re looking to feel more connected to yourself and your loved ones, try out all or one of the summer solstice rituals listed below:

Solstice Feast - Prepare a meal using seasonal, locally sourced foods and share this meal with your loved ones. At some point during the meal take some time to intentionally express gratitude for the long days of summer, the abundance of nature and each other.

Journal - Journal together and share out loud whatever feels right to share with each other.

    • How has the first half of the year been for you?

    • What are the key highlights and challenges you’ve experienced so far this year?

    • How are your new year intentions going so far? In what ways are you in alignment with what you set out to do or experience this year? In what ways are you out of alignment? What 2024 goals or intentions need re-evaluating? 

    • Describe a memorable experience you’ve had in nature recently. How did it make you feel?

    • How do you plan to connect with nature this summer?

    • What does the summer solstice mean to you? How do you celebrate it?

    • Write about a tradition or activity that brings you joy during the summer.

    • What energizes you? How can you bring more of this energy into your daily life?

Water Ritual - Since the solstice is also about balance, a water ritual is a great way to complement the solar energy that is at its highest this time of year. Try a dip or a swim in a lake or a reservoir to engage in the practice of intentionally cleansing your system to give way to renewal, growth and abundance. 

And…if you find yourself sinking instead of swimming this summer, we are here for you! Just send an email to info@bravecounseling.com to set a up a FREE consultation to see how we can support and guide you toward less stress & anxiety and more joy & abundance!


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