Embracing Your Inner Child: Healing Depression by Healing Your Inner Child

Depression is a complex and multifaceted condition that affects millions of people worldwide. As holistic therapists we have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of inner child healing for alleviating depressive symptoms and we believe it to be one of the most effective forms of treatment for depression. 

Inner child healing is a therapeutic method where you, as the adult you are now, can go back on an internal level and witness what your younger self went through and then help and heal your child self who was not able to feel and express their emotions and true self. 

This approach delves deep into the core of our emotional experiences, addressing wounds that may have been inflicted during our formative years. By nurturing our inner child, we can uncover the root causes of our pain and begin the journey toward healing. 

Understanding the Inner Child

The concept of the inner child refers to the part of ourselves that retains the innocence, creativity and vulnerability of our early years. Your inner child holds memories, emotions and experiences from childhood that significantly influence your adult life. When these early experiences include trauma, neglect, attachment injuries or unmet emotional needs, your inner child can carry these wounds into adulthood, manifesting as depression, anxiety, relationship problems, chronic dissatisfaction, and other mental health issues. 

The Connection Between Inner Child Healing and Depression

Why inner child healing for depression? Because depression is a manifestation of symptoms stemming from suppressed, unprocessed emotions, or, unresolved emotional pain and a disconnection from our true selves. 

Suppression is a protective or survival strategy that many people have to adopt early on in their lives (usually in childhood) in order to stay connected to people who provide them with care and meet their needs. As humans we have to have at least some of our needs met to survive so staying connected to others when we are young is essential

By reconnecting with and healing our inner child, we address these deep-seated wounds and create a foundation for lasting emotional well-being. This process involves:

  • Building a loving, supportive and connected relationship to our inner child

  • Witnessing how our inner child was hurt

  • Feeling the emotions our inner child felt back then in our bodies now in order to finally release the bound up energy of those emotions

  • Acknowledging and validating these feelings for our inner child

  • Offering compassion, connection, support and new information to our inner child

As you may be able to sense in reading the process of the inner child healing, it can lead to profound shifts in our mental and emotional states. Inner child healing is not a quick fix, but a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth. As we heal our inner child, we release the emotional burdens of the past and create a space for a more authentic and fulfilling life. This type of healing can lead to:

  • Enhanced Emotional Resilience - By healing past emotional and psychological wounds we are better able to integrate our inner child which allows for greater emotional resilience and the ability to cope with many different kinds of life challenges. 

  • Improved Sense of Self and Self-Esteem - Getting to know and nurture our inner child helps to build a stronger sense of self (knowing deeply who you are, what your values are and why those are your values), improved self-worth (knowing and feeling your value) and increased self-acceptance. 

  • Deeper Relationships - Healing our inner child allows us to form healthier and more authentic connections with others because we can finally be all of who we are in relationships without protective mechanisms or wounds from the past influencing things. 

  • Increased Joy and Fulfillment - Reconnecting with our inner child brings a sense of joy, wonder, creativity and playfulness back into our lives which give ways to wanting to engage more with life, others and the the world around us. 

If you’re someone who’s over just managing your depression symptoms and you’re ready for a deeper, more transformative approach, try inner child healing. By nurturing this vulnerable part of ourselves with compassion and understanding, we pave the way for a future filled with more connection, freedom, emotional resilience and joy! 

Curious to know more? Just head to the “contact” tab in the upper right hand corner of our website, submit your contact form or call us at 720-923-3033 and we will be in touch!


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